
© Copyright 2024—1998 John Keegan and Keegan Site Design are the property of John G Keegan. is a personal website authored and maintained by John G Keegan.

All Content having the mark © Keegan or © John Keegan is the work of John G Keegan and All Rights Are Reserved unless otherwise stated. If otherwise stated, then the mark © Keegan or © John Keegan pertains to page layout and html code only. Any reproduction of the Content of including html code without written permission from John G Keegan is prohibited.

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The pictures, sounds, and images used on, and all sites containing the mark © Keegan or © John Keegan come from a variety of sources. When possible permission for use has been sought. No infringement of copyrights, or other rights is intended by John G Keegan under the name of Keegan Site Design and/or © Keegan or © John Keegan.

Contact Information:

email is the best way to contact


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